
Comparing two famous people - ESO1

Pau Gasol is a very good basketball player.
He is 32 years old.
He is 2.15 m high.
Pau Gasol weighs 114kg.
Pau has got five different nicknames: "Pow", "Gasolina", "Meal Ticket", "Gasolution", and "E.T."

Ricky Rubio is a very good basketball player.
He is 22 years old.
Ricky is 1.92 m high.
He weighs 86 kg.
Ricky has got nine different nicknames: "The Spanish Magician" "Tricky Rubio" "Ricky Business", "El niño mopa", "El niño maravilla", "Harry Potter", "Pete Maravich español", "El Pete Pistol español", and "Ricky Mouse".

Now I will compare these two sportsmen:

1. Pau Gasol plays basketball as well as Ricky Rubio.
2. Ricky is younger than Pau.
3. Pau Gasol is taller than Ricky Rubio.
4. Ricky is lighter than Pau.
5. Ricky has got more nicknames than Pau.
6. Pau isn't as good-looking as Ricky.


Comparing two cities

Belfast Regional LocationMexico Regional Location

Here you have an example to help you when gathering information to complete your fact file and to give you ideas when preparing the PowerPoint.

Note: This is NOT the final project, you MUST include comparative and superlative sentences in yours!

Unit 6 revision - ESO2

Revision Unit 6, Real English 2, 2 ESO