Hi there!
From now on, we will use different blogs for each group (have a look at the 'links' section). There, we will post your work or things of your interest. You all will take part in posting on the wall. So, if you already have a google account send it to me and I will add you. If not, we will create one next week.
hello sara :) ezin izan dut egin el chisme este de las oalabras zeren eta nire ordenadoreak ez zuen uzeten. Ateratzen zitzaidan gauza arraro bat! Baina saiatu naiz eee... bueno sara! ondo pasa asteburua! :)
ReplyDeleteBibiñe torner 2.B
thanks for writing bibiñe, horrela badakit saiatu zarela 'el chisme ese' egiten ;). i found some problems with it too, so don't worry. we'll talk on monday. have fun!
ReplyDeleteSara i had got one problema whit the exersise. ez dit uzten egiten.
DeleteEtxahun Arrieta
hello sara ezin izan ditut gauzak egin problemak eman dizkidalako.
ReplyDeleteEloy etxaburu 2.B