

Countries and nationalities - ESO1


This week we are going to start the first unit 'People' and we're going to learn  countries and nationalities in English. So, after the lesson, you can practise a little bit more with the exercises and the games below.

Exercise 1: matching exercise, what nationality are the people?
Exercise 2: matching exercise part 2, what nationality are they?
Exercise 3: matching exercise part 3, where are they  from?
Exercise 4: matching exercise part 4, where are they  from?

Game 1: memory game, find a country and its nationality.
Game 2: matching game
Game 3: Speedword. Practise your spelling with this game.

Now, have a look at the dresses each girl wears. Where are those flags from??Where are the girls from??

Back to school and to my blog!!

A new academic year is starting, are you ready for it??? Ready for learning some more English???
You know you will find different exercises, games or videos for further practice, or for some fun! :)